
So this is the main thing aside from my dayjob.

I take online classes and right now I’m taking 2 courses for discrete math and microeconomics.

It’s been difficult especially because I’ve been getting a lot more hours with my job! I’m tired a lot.

This is the exciting one.

I’m developing a site for news and information about alternative subcultures, notably goth and furry stuff (as the url implies)

The really exciting part is I’m using a new-to-me CMS called Grav. It’s actually similar to the Jekyll engine that I’m using for this site, although the command line is less necessary.

I’m still utilizing the command line heavily, however, because I’m also developing a Grav theme for the site…


…which I’m using Sass for the first time in!

I’ve been wanting to learn Sass for years but somehow never had the time or tools. Now, with my VPS and the ability to install anything and see it on the web easily, as well as more comfort using the command line in general (including to write files with nano), I’m in business baby!

Blue hair dun care

I dyed my hair blue.

(Also, that’s my new-ish main on Masto. is ♥ )

what else…

That’s pretty much it. I’ve been sleeping “a lot” and working a lot. My paycheck is reflecting that, which I and my credit card debt are grateful for, but it’s definitely been tiring!

I hope you’re having a good time with your life and that if you’re not it gets better soon. And hey, Fozzy has a new song out. It’s weird and there’s drinking (alcohol) mentioned but it sounds good.

Have a good one ♥